Wednesday, April 15, 2009

15: A Psalm to God

Praise the Lord, reality's author
................Matter's lawgiver
................Life of all things living
................holy prime conceiver
................God of gifts, artist, genius

Praise the Lord, who let there be light,
................who drafts laws, who dreams physics
................who crafts matter, who flashing splits it
................who swirls the universe with His fingertip

Praise the Lord, who willed the Earth
................who willed will and breathes life

Thank the Lord who sculpts with flesh and bone
................His life breathes life,
................God's treasure
................seeds of blood
................all praise His being, being all His praise this
................oasis in barren space,
................that hurdles through the naked waste
................that howls and eats and sleeps and dreams grace

Praise the Lord, progenitor,
................we meager imitations,
................we alone we hunger alone conceive as He conceives, alone
................joyfull life joyfully wasted,
................the spark divine alone

The spark burns for good for evil
................we crave God

God is false, declares the covetous,
................God sprang from the shadows,
................dirt begets dirt as gods are for children,
................reality a cold birth confused

God is dead, declares the faithless,
................We have no king but seizures, law but chaos
................chance as force in time is law
................We alone control we alone
................siren songs of pseudo science
................silence whispered prayers of faith

The spark dims, man bows to nothing
................rising from the random dust

................electrons demand nothing
................the clawing waste well fed owes nothing

I am death, sneers man,
................eternity silenced
................No grace disgrace
................a shock of sinuous slime
................bone temples of murdered flesh
................random lust evolves the culture
................We have no king but hunger point but pleasure, as
................shadow prophets coyly preach of
................loveless life of soulless sleep

Turn away

Oh my soul, rejoice! Alleluia! There is law--
................for order, for chaos,
................for wealth, for poverty,
................for birth, for loss,
................for love, for hate,
................for life, for death

Praise the God

................of hope and grace,
................of joy and faith,
................of love and care,

................Giver Forgiver, He loves His children,
................who squander love on loveless gods,
................who friendless gnaw on faith grown cold,
................He hopes and waits with rings and robes, greet at last His children home
................with joyful tears and feast of lamb
................that heals our wounds
................and makes us whole

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